Monday 23 December 2013

5 Quick Easy Steps To Apply Fake Lashes

 Lashes I applied on a client* ^^

Hello Junkies!

We all know that applying fake lashes completes any makeup look, and gives your eyes that extra ' oohh la la' look that we all want.
This post was inspired because many clients will say that the whole process of putting fake eyelashes on is too fiddly and leaves them with clumpy eyes, and they are just a squinting mess at the end of it ( Boo)
By the end of reading this post, you will ( hopefully) feel more confident in applying fake lashes and will venture into this area a bit more.
If anyone would benefit from a video tutorial then please feel free to leave me a message :)
First things first... What do you need?

  • Your chosen fake eyelashes...(Always helps)
  • Eye Lash Adhesive - I always use the Duo-Lash from MAC. I've never had any problems with this. I suggest you invest ( I say invest but its £10)  in a decent glue, and throw the one you get with the lashes away- this stuff won't do you favours. ( Side Story- I've also got an allergic reaction from one of these glue's- I had swollen eyes for days- who says beauty is pain free eh?!)
  • Some tweezers- to get the eyelashes on the lash line- these aren't necessary and can be done without
Now you are all set...lets Glue!

1.Take your lashes out the packet...they usually have a R and L so you know which eye they are for. One at a time...measure the eyelash against your lash line to see if it fits perfectly. If not...Grab some small scissors ( Yes add scissors to ' what do you need' ) and cut the strip from the outer edge. Doing this prevents your eyes from looking droopy and from falling off.
* If you're not that confident and you're worried about taking too much off then do it bit by bit *

2. Grab your glue! To apply the glue, you can apply it straight from the tube, and run it along the strip. This is for those who have a steady hand and are confident they can control the amount of glue that comes out. I prefer putting a line of glue on my hand and run the strip along that. alternatively, you can grab a toothpick and glide it across the lash strip.

* If you've put lashes on before, you may have found that the inner and outer corners do unstick when you blink, which leads to you taking the lashes of in your annoyance- To prevent this, ensure that you are generous with the amounts of glue on the inner and outer strip.*

3. Don't try and be an eager beaver and wait before you place the strip on your own lash-line, as you need to give the glue time to get more tactile and sticky. * speed up the process by waving the lash in the air or blowing on it*  

* Tip: Look down into a mirror when positioning the lashes. You get a better angle of the lash line*

4. Apply the lash to the base of your natural lash line on top of your actual lashes, not on the eyelid at all. The glue dries clear so don't worry if it gets messy. If you're hands aren't that steady- you can use the tweezers to help you position the lashes.

5. I always apply mascara to mesh the lashes together. It's never a good look when you see someone from a side view and their own lashes underneath!

* Fill any gaps you see with a black eyeliner- Saves you starting all over again*

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